Friday, July 30, 2010

Captain God

Hi I'm Poi and I am a prodigal child.

These past years, I have been engulfed by worldy temptations leading me to a path of lost hopes. I don't know how it started but the devil has his ways in luring you just like those zealous agents in the mall who would low-ball you then kapish! before you know it you're signing-in a contract that you're unsure about. But God is a very patient God, he never gave-up on me, just like a fisherman with futile bate, he kept waiting and waiting until I finally came to notice. Loosing time with God was like loosing my whole purpose in life. I really did loose my focus and direction. Before I was so zestful, so full of inspiration, I was so sure of where I was going and what I really wanted out of life. But after some time when my inner demons took rule in my life, I was totally defeated.

Then came God in the picture. Through His profound ways, He kept ushering me towards the light. An awakening was the time when I got to work with a Korean Girl who was into charity work. I saw the glimmer in her eyes and the sheer realization that she have encountered upon helping in an orphanage at Zanzibar. I could sense peace within her and somehow, I remembered, how much at peace I once was. She advised me to go back to God and everything will be perfect. I knew that all along but what I can not decipher was, what happened to me in between? Some things are so basic but being human, we need a nudge on the head before we can regain consciousness from the trance called temptation.

And now, here I am-- a work in progress. I was once lost but I am finally found. He has been waiting for way too long and I know I owe him my TIME.

Here I am Captain God. It is You taking over;*

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